Automata (for the people)

As a learning designer, learner and parent, I love to watch science and technology programmes on children’s TV. There is so much to learn from the way they convey potentially complex ideas – and one of my big favourites is Absolute Genius with Dick and Dom – a perfect combination of science and silliness.

And, even as a very serious grown up, I learn things. The other week Absolute Genius was all about al-Jazari and his ingenious mechanical systems, which has fired up an interest in automata. I’ve been experimenting with lego gears (turning a circular motion into an up and down motion – absolute genius!), fiddling with Timberkits in the toy shop, and discovering other absolute geniuses like artist Keith Newstead.

But by far the most amazing thing this investigation has lead me to is the Strandbeest – a thing of absolute beauty. My gift to you today.


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